Published 11 Jul, 2011
Cutting mass transit by one third is going backwards and not forwards! The “New Direction” that Chairman Mica proposes is a direction in the wrong way. The facts are clear, transit authorities are making serious cuts to service and staffing while ridership is steadily rising. Report after report clearly states that the fastest way to jump start the economy, bring innovation, build America, and create and save jobs is through investing in the country’s transportation and infrastructure.
Mr. Mica made it clear that his bottom-line number for funding the Surface bill has been conditioned to House Rule 21 and cannot go further than the highway trust fund; however, this is a critical time in our economy and as such there should be no rule that prevents the creation of jobs and sustainability of how Americans travel.
It is very clear and obvious that the approval of this proposal given by Chairman Mica will result in hundreds of thousands of jobs lost. American’s are at a critical juncture in our country’s time. This is not an issue of spending; this is an issue of building our future, and creating opportunities for everyday Americans.
Proper funding of our Nation’s transportation systems is imperative. Instead of moving forward in an unproductive direction our legislative leaders should do the right thing and move our economy forward.