Published 02 May, 2011
TWU Locals are leading the charge to repeal union busting Senate Bill 5 in Ohio by petitioning to put the legislation on the ballot for a public referendum.
After Republican Governor John Kasich and his anti-worker allies rammed the bill through the state legislature, union members, progressives, clergy and middle class Ohioans responded by mobilizing to overturn the unpopular bill by putting it on the ballot for the voters to overturn.
Members from TWU Locals across Ohio have been attending training sessions and collecting petition signatures. Local 208 in Columbus, Ohio held a canvassing event on Saturday, April 30 and were able to gather over 500 signatures and register many new voters. They received an overwhelmingly positive response from people who are eager to stop the draconian bill that would strip public sector workers of their collective bargaining rights.
Regular events are being planned until enough signatures are collected to put the repeal measure on the ballot.