Published 19 Dec, 2011
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a news conference proclaimed his party’s intentions of voting down a measure passed last week by the Senate. The Senate voted in a bipartisan fashion (89-10) to extend payroll tax cuts and some unemployment benefits, yet the House is once again holding the American middle class hostage by not approving extending payroll tax cuts and unemployment benefits for those that have the unfortunate circumstance of losing jobs in this dire economy.
Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.), today said it best: “We cannot allow rigid partisan ideology and unwillingness to compromise stand in the way of working together for the good of the American people.” Unfortunately, this has become the case.
According to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Boehner flip-flopped having originally left it to the Senate to come to a compromise with the understanding that he would persuade his colleagues to move the bill forward. Now with claims of wanting provisions that cut down the weeks of unemployment insurance, enforced drug testing on unemployed workers, and cuts to Medicare and the Affordable Care Act included, the Speaker once again is creating a crisis for crisis sake.
Despite these actions the facts are undeniable. The bill passed in the Senate reduced the deficit by nearly $3 billion, it is fully paid for, and is a boost to the economy generating between 10 and 90 cents for every dollar of budgetary cost.
These egregious acts are uncalled for and members of Congress whether Democrat or Republican must be held accountable. American families are already making the hard choices and Congress decides to increase the weight of such a burden.
Otherwise, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and expect the House and Senate to remain in pro forma session and return to full session mid January.