Air Blog
Press Release: Hypocritical DOT Refuses to Mandate Masks
Posted OnOctober 6, 2020 byFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 6, 2020 Contact: Denise Romano, Hypocritical DOT Refuses to Mandate Masks On Friday, the US Department of Transportation (DOT) rejected a petition from the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO to require masks for passengers on commercial passenger transportation. TWU International President John Samuelsen issued the following statement in response: “It’s downright dangerous for…Read More…
PRESS RELEASE: TWU Statement on Aircraft Certification Reform and Accountability Act
Posted OnSeptember 30, 2020 byFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 30, 2020 Contact: Denise Romano, dromano@twu.o TWU Statement on Aircraft Certification Reform and Accountability Act WASHINGTON, DC – Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) International President John Samuelsen issued the following statement supporting the Aircraft Certification Reform and Accountability Act (H.R. 8404), passed by the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure…Read More…
PRESS RELEASE: Transport Workers Union Supports Air Carrier Worker Support Extension Act as Part of Larger Deal
Posted OnSeptember 22, 2020 byFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 22, 2020 Contact: Denise Romano, Transport Workers Union Supports Air Carrier Worker Support Extension Act as Part of Larger Deal Transport Workers Union International President John Samuelsen issued the following statement regarding the Air Carrier Worker Support Extension Act introduced by Senators Susan Collins and Roger Wicker: “Our transportation systems…Read More…
American Airlines Labor Unions Send Joint Letter to Congress
Posted OnSeptember 17, 2020 byOn September 16, 2020 TWU International Executive Vice President Alex Garcia sent the following letter to Secretary Mnuchin, Chief of Staff Meadows, Speaker Pelosi, Leader McCarthy, Leader McConnell and Leader Schumer. Click here for the full PDF version We wrote to you earlier this year, at an early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, urging you…Read More…
The TWU Honors the 19th Anniversary of 9/11
Posted OnSeptember 11, 2020 byToday marks the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The TWU honors the sacrifices made by Cabin Crews, Passengers, First Responders and all the innocent victims who perished that day. The TWU also celebrates all of our members who played a significant role in the following months selflessly assisting with response, transportation, rescue, recovery and…Read More…
Happy Labor Day to Our Frontline Heroes!
Posted OnSeptember 4, 2020 byThe leadership and staff of the TWU International wish our frontline heroes and their families a very safe and happy Labor Day! The past few months have been filled with tragedy. In the midst of these hardships and sacrifices, we deserve to pause for one day to revel in our holiday. Labor Day celebrates all…Read More…
NEW AIR DIVISION PODCAST: American Airlines Announces Employee Reductions
Posted OnAugust 28, 2020 byClick here to listen to the New TWU Air Division Podcast episode – American Airlines Announces Employee Reductions. Click here to view all TWU Podcast episodes.Read More…
AA Association Update: American Airlines Announces Furloughs
Posted OnAugust 27, 2020 byAugust 27, 2020 As you all know American has announced that, barring intervention from Congress, it intends to begin furloughs October 1st. Your Association leadership was only provided with the reduction information late last night. We have met with the company on this issue, and we continue to work to limit the impact on our members…Read More…
TOMORROW: Join the Virtual March on Washington
Posted OnAugust 27, 2020 byTomorrow, please join us in watching the March on Washington virtually, info is below: If there ever was a year that underscored the importance of collective action, and the significance of civil rights activism, it is the year 2020. After months of protests, online petitions, campaigns, and boycotts, we’ve seen firsthand the power we have…Read More…
JetBlue Pilot Wins Major Worker Compensation for Toxic Fume Exposure; ‘Airlines Appear to Be More Concerned About Keeping Planes in The Air Than Worker Safety’
Posted OnAugust 11, 2020 byWhen JetBlue pilot Captain Andrew Myers experienced a career-ending toxic fume event in January 2017, the carrier denied his claim. But on July 31, the Oregon Workers’ Compensation Board ruled in his favor in a major case, accusing airlines of being “more concerned about keeping planes in the air than worker safety.” “This case involved…Read More…