On The Hill
TWU Supports the Transit Infrastructure Vehicle Security Act (H.R. 2739)
Posted OnJune 5, 2019 byOn June 5, the TWU International sent a letter to members of Congress, expressing our support for the Transit Infrastructure Vehicle Security Act (H.R. 2739). Click here to read the letter.Read More…
TWU Fights Against Toxic Cabin Air
Posted OnMay 29, 2019 byToday, the TWU sent letters to the House and Senate encouraging our federal elected officials to cosponsor the Cabin Air Safety Act of 2019. This legislation would directly address fume events and toxic air onboard our aircraft. When aircraft engines or air compressors malfunction, flight attendants and other airline workers can be exposed to unhealthy, harmful air that can cause…Read More…
TWU Calls on Congress to Protect Transit Operators from Assault
Posted OnMay 8, 2019 byToday, TWU sent letters of support to both the U.S. House and Senate urging lawmakers to cosponsor the Transit Worker and Pedestrian Protection Act (H.R. 1139/S. 436). This bill is essential to helping protect transit operators around the country from the brutal assaults we face every day. H.R. 1139/S. 436 would require local transit agencies…Read More…
Local 2054 Lobbies Against Keolis
Posted OnMarch 28, 2019 byTWU Local 2054 leadership, including President Tommy Murray, lobbied the Rhode Island and Massachusetts congressional delegation on March 27. They asked Congressmembers to investigate the crooked and corrupt French company, Keolis, as well as its ability to provide reliable service as a responsible commuter rail operator in the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island.Read More…
Four Transportation Unions Voice Support for H.R. 1108: “We Need to Make Sure Every FAA Employee Remains on the Job With Pay”
Posted OnFebruary 8, 2019 byFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Denise Romano: 202-719-3837 or dromano@twu.org Dennis Tajer: 847-902-8481 or dtajer@alliedpilots.org Robin Charbonneau: 817-540-0108, ext. 8308, or communications@apfa.org Larry Rother: 510-459-4843 or lrother@iamaw.org Four Transportation Unions Voice Support for H.R. 1108: “We Need to Make Sure Every FAA Employee Remains on the Job With Pay” WASHINGTON, D.C. (Feb. 8, 2019) — Four…Read More…
TWU Files Comments to DOT Document, “Preparing for the Future of Transportation: Automated Vehicles 3.0”
Posted OnDecember 6, 2018 byOn Dec. 3, the TWU filed comments to a Department of Transportation (DOT) document called “Preparing for the Future of Transportation: Automated Vehicles 3.0” (AV 3.0). This DOT guidance document seeks to rush the use of driverless transit buses without much consideration for how it could harm workers and public safety. The TWU’s comments urge…Read More…
TWU Urges FTA to Uphold FAST Act Transit Worker Protections
Posted OnDecember 6, 2018 byOn Nov. 13, the TWU sent a letter to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) urging them to uphold the worker protections that the TWU fought for during the FAST Act. As you recall, Congress enacted the FAST Act in 2015, which renewed public transportation programs (and Amtrak). The TWU successfully fought hard against schemes to…Read More…
Summary of FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018
Posted OnApril 15, 2018 byOn October 5, 2018, President Trump signed into law H.R. 302, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018. The law reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for 5 years (through 2023) and establishes various policies and programs, committees and task forces, and studies relating to safety, workers, industry, and passengers. The law also reauthorizes the Transportation…Read More…
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 19 Dec, 2011 House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a news conference proclaimed his party’s intentions of voting down a measure passed last week by the Senate. The Senate voted in a bipartisan fashion (89-10) to extend payroll tax cuts and some unemployment benefits, yet the House is once again holding the American middle…Read More…
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 12 Dec, 2011 This week may be the last that Congress is in session before the holidays, but only if they finish the important work before them. The House of Representatives is slated to vote on an unemployment insurance bill that slashes benefits, coupled with a provision to keep the Keystone XL Pipeline project…Read More…