On The Hill
Flight Attendants Lobby Congress to Fund the Flight 93 Memorial
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 19 Dec, 2013 </div> <div>TWU Local 556 President Audrey Stone co-led a cross-union coalition of flight attendants in a radical campaign to secure funding for the as-of-yet unfinished Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.</div> <div>On September 10, 2013, flight attendants from Local 556 in coordination with union brothers and sisters from IAMAW, AFA-CWA,…Read More…
Transit Reauthorization Bill Update
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 24 Jul, 2015 Following several days of procedural voting on the surface transportation reauthorization bill, the U.S. Senate voted this week to move forward with their sweeping transportation package. Unfortunately the bill included transit public private partnership language that would make it easier to privatize transit work. We have opposed this bill during negotiations…Read More…
Chairman Shuster Announces Surface Transportation Markup
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 14 Oct, 2015 The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee plans to mark up the surface transportation reauthorization bill on Thursday, October 22. TWU has fought to include language in the bill requiring federal regulations to oppose transit privatization and protect transit operators from assault. The final legislative text will be released later this week. TWU will evaluate…Read More…
House Introduces Surface Transportation Reauth & Reform Act
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byHouse Introduces Surface Transportation Reauth & Reform Act Published 20 Oct, 2015 Today, House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee leaders introduced the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2015 (H.R. 3763), a multi-year surface transportation bill to reauthorize and reform federal highway, transit, and highway safety programs. Here are a few key facts about the…Read More…
House Passes Measure to Extend Transportation Authority
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 17 Nov, 2015 Facing a Nov. 20 deadline, the House has passed a clean, bi-partisan extension of the Surface Transportation bill. The House and Senate now have until Dec. 4, 2015, to negotiate over the two different versions of the bill in a Conference Committee. Once they reach a final agreement, the House and…Read More…