On The Hill
A Win for Aircraft Maintenance Workers: FAA Finalizes Drug and Alcohol Testing Rule for Foreign Aircraft Repair Stations
Posted OnDecember 16, 2024 byThe Federal Aviation Administration published a final rule on Monday that requires foreign aircraft maintenance facilities to create and maintain drug and alcohol testing for workers – ensuring that airlines cannot skirt safety rules when they choose to outsource work abroad. “This closes a major safety gap that the Transport Workers Union has fought to end…Read More…
Unemployment and Sick Benefits for Rail Workers to Get a Boost
Posted OnDecember 11, 2024 byBig Win for unemployed, sick, and injured railroad workers that restores benefits unfairly slashed over a decade ago The newly released text of this year’s National Defense Authorization Act includes language that boosts unemployment and sick benefits to eligible railroad workers by 5.7%. Railroad workers who are laid off or sidelined by a long-term illness or…Read More…
FTA Finalizes Critical Trackworker Safety Protections
Posted OnOctober 29, 2024 byThe Transport Workers Union of America’s years of advocacy for trackworker safety is paying off. The Federal Transit Administration and Department of Transportation announced Tuesday a Final Rule requiring minimum safety standards to protect trackworkers from on-the-job injuries and deaths. The Final Rule requires local transit agencies around the country to follow federal standards that include…Read More…
The Express is Out!
Posted OnSeptember 30, 2024 byRead the latest news and features from The Transport Workers Union: Air, Rail, and TUUS.Read More…
No more secret six-figure bonuses for Amtrak executives
Posted OnSeptember 18, 2024 byA TWU-supported bill that would end Amtrak’s shameful practice of secretly doling out six-figure bonuses without giving the public and elected officials time to object advanced in the U.S. House of Representatives today.
“Amtrak deserves every bit of federal funding it gets to provide safe and reliable transportation,” TWU International President John Samuel said. “It absolutely should not, however, be doling out six-figure bonuses to wealthy executives sitting in comfortable office suites while the actual workers are out there providing service, fixing trains and cleaning coaches all day.”Read More…
TWU Keeps Fighting for 9/11 First Responders
Posted OnSeptember 13, 2024 byOn the 23rd anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, TWU members and officers in New York City continued their years-long fight to get first responders the recognition and compensation they deserve. The TWU contingent – with participants from Local 100, Local 106, and Local 1400 – met with U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) in…Read More…
TWU Firefighters Fight Staffing Cuts in Washington
Posted OnSeptember 12, 2024 byThe TWU is working with members of Congress in both parties to fix misguided firefighting staffing cuts at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida – and a group of TWU members recently took their concerns to senators to ensure higher staffing levels are included in this year’s National Defense Authorization…Read More…
New Freight Rail Safety Bill Would Make Trains Safer
Posted OnJuly 24, 2024 byThe Transport Workers Union is backing a new House bill that would impose new regulations on freight rail in response to the East Palestine, Ohio, derailment. Reps. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) and Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) introduced a bill, The Railroad Safety Enhancement Act of 2024, that expands on existing rail safety proposals drafted in the last year. The…Read More…
TWU Urges Action and Opposes Cuts to Railroad Workers’ Social Security, Amtrak and Transit
Posted OnJuly 17, 2024 byThe Transport Workers Union is urging members to contact their members of Congress to tell them to oppose the House Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services and Education (LHHS) funding bill, H.R. 9029. TWU International President John Samuelsen recently wrote a letter to the House Appropriations Committee saying proposed funding cuts…Read More…
TWU Tech Newsletter: Gutting Jobs to Promote Automation — A Losing Blueprint
Posted OnJuly 3, 2024 byThis is the monthly edition of the Transport Workers Union’s Transportation Technology Newsletter. We aim to inform and educate our members, the labor movement, the public and policymakers about developments in transportation technology – and what the TWU is doing to ensure that new technology doesn’t undermine safety or harm the livelihoods of hard-working blue-collar…Read More…