Published 01 Sep, 2014

On Labor Day, we celebrate our nation’s proud tradition of labor activism and the determination and fighting spirit of the American worker. Brothers and Sisters, we — the working class — built this country and are responsible for its continued prosperity.
It is a fact that industrial trade unions, including the TWU, secured a path to the American dream for all workers, regardless of race, religion, gender, craft or class.
Throughout American history, brave working men and women won battle after battle to lock in the working conditions we all enjoy today: the 40-hour workweek, a ban on child labor, health and safety regulations, respect and dignity in the workplace.
The significant contributions that TWU made to the labor movement, the civil rights movement, and struggles for justice everywhere are well-known. Today, we are more active than ever in protecting the rights of working families.
We continue to grow our numbers with decisive organizing victories in all four divisions of the TWU. From Virgin America flight attendants to Las Vegas table games dealers, we are bringing thousands of hardworking Americans the vital job protections they deserve.
On the national and local levels, TWU members play key roles in political campaigns to turn the tide of American politics in the direction of workers.
Our successes speak for themselves. Our union is making a difference — from Local 171’s on-the-ground work to pass critical transportation funding measures in Michigan to Local 291’s get-out-the-vote efforts to support Daniella Levine Cava, the new Miami-Dade County Commissioner for District 8 elected just this past week!
Thank you for your hard work every single day on the job, and your support and engagement in our powerful union. Together, we are upholding TWU’s pioneering reputation. Eighty years after our founding, we remain “United-Invincible.”