November 18, 2019 The TWU is proud to endorse the recently introduced Safe Aircraft Maintenance Standards Act (H.R. 5119). Led by Representatives Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and John Katko (R-NY), this bipartisan bill would close five loopholes that allow airlines to offshore maintenance of aircraft onto a lower safety standard abroad. The bill would also impose a moratorium,…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Zack Tatz, November 15, 2019 The TWU Endorses the Safe Aircraft Maintenance Standards Act Ensures the Safety of Aviation Workers and the Flying Public, Prevents Offshoring Washington, DC – Today, the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) strongly endorsed new legislation that raises the level of safety and security…
November 13, 2019 The TWU is leading a coalition representing 50,000 flight attendants to demand the Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) immediately implement new rest rules for flight attendants. As part of that campaign, we filed comments to the FAA urging them move forward with this rule. After years of struggle,…
The TWU is honored to serve the thousands of our members who are veterans from all branches of the U.S. military, especially on Veterans Day. Thank you for your service.