May 16, 2019 Brothers and Sisters, American management recently distributed incomplete and misleading negotiating documents to its employees. Don’t be fooled by their union busting tactics. Please visit our Association page at to view the videos partitioned into sections for easier viewing to see the real state of negotiations between American Airlines and the…
TWU Strategic Action Coordinator Brian Parker talks with TWU Executive Negotiator Gary Peterson and IAM Executive Negotiator Tom Reagan about what American Airlines calls their “Full Company Proposal.” You can listen to the podcast at / or by subscribing and following on iTunes and Google Music.
Today, TWU sent letters of support to both the U.S. House and Senate urging lawmakers to cosponsor the Transit Worker and Pedestrian Protection Act (H.R. 1139/S. 436). This bill is essential to helping protect transit operators around the country from the brutal assaults we face every day. H.R. 1139/S. 436 would require local transit agencies…
President and Officers of the Transit, Universities, Utilities and Services Division, Well we could not have possibly been discussing a more timely topic. On May 1, the Florida legislature – influenced by UBER lobbyists and UBER money one would guess – has passed a law legalizing self-driving cars and the hiring of them through digital apps….