Click here for a PDF of the letter. March 11, 2019 Ali Bahrami, Associate Administrator, Aviation Safety Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Ave SW Washington, DC 20591 Dear Mr. Bahrami, On behalf of the 65,000 aviation workers represented by the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU), I write to urge you to take decisive and immediate…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 8, 2019 CONTACT: Denise Romano 202-826-7072 Washington, D.C. – Transport Workers Union, AFL-CIO (TWU) is engaging in an intensive paid media effort warning South Carolina Democrats not to believe New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s “fauxgressivism” while the Mayor is visiting this weekend. TWU International President John Samuelsen issued the following statement today on New York…
“I think he is a fauxgressive, not a progressive,” Mr. Samuelsen said in a phone interview. “He’s the exact kind of Democrat that got Trump elected, and he’s exactly the kind of candidate that if he gets traction in the primary will get Trump re-elected.” To read the full text click here or see below. New…
The TWU is fighting back against environmental hazards that are plaguing school bus drivers, mechanics, monitors and school children in Augusta, GA. The International and TWU Local 239 hosted a Citizen’s Town Hall: Augusta School Buses in Crisis on March 7. Students, parents, teachers and bus operators packed the room discussing the health and safety…