FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Denise Romano at 202-719-3837 February 6, 2019 Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO (TWU) International President John Samuelsen was appointed to the International Transport Worker Federation’s (ITF) Urban Transport Committee (UTC). The UTC is a joint activity of the ITF Railway Workers’ Section and the ITF Road Transport Workers’ Section on…
The TWU launched a petition to fire Amtrak President Richard Anderson. Since Amtrak President Richard Anderson took office, he has been hell-bent on privatizing our national rail network. This slash-and-burn CEO is busy gutting service and killing careers. On June 1, 2018, Anderson cut dining car service on two long-distance lines: the Capitol Limited and Lake…
February 1, 2019 Throughout this week, the Association Executive Negotiating Committee members continued to present reasonable proposals in an effort to reach a JCBA. While some conversations discussed across the bargaining table seemed to reach “supposal agreements in principle,” written proposals returned from the Company continued to revert to their take-it or leave-it positions. In…
JetBlue InFlight Crewmembers (IFC) have been negotiating their first-ever Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) since August – and the negotiating team said things at the bargaining table have been mostly blue skies. The TWU International Communications Department caught up with members of the JetBlue IFC negotiation team during a session in late January in Washington, DC….