This is the monthly edition of the Transport Workers Union’s Transportation Technology Newsletter. We aim to inform and educate our members, the labor movement, the public and policymakers about developments in transportation technology – and what the TWU is doing to ensure that new technology doesn’t undermine safety or harm the livelihoods of hard-working blue-collar…
The Transport Workers Union’s Future Leaders Organizing Committee and Working Women’s Committee both held meetings this month and the gatherings included critical lessons for budding TWU leaders around the country. The Working Women’s Committee met in Los Angeles, where attendees listened to leaders from Local 591, who hosted the event, about the importance of representing…
TO: Interested Parties FR: Transport Workers Union of America; Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO DT: 3/8/2024 RE: Public transportation labor considerations in potential DOT/NHTSA AV pilot program As NHTSA and the larger DOT consider immediate actions to reassert federal leadership on autonomous vehicle regulation, we believe that the DOT’s Innovation Principles should govern the development of…