FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 12, 2018 CONTACT: Ori Korin Transport Workers Union of America Reacts to Trump Administration’s Infrastructure Plan Washington, D.C. – In response to the White House’s infrastructure principles released today, Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO (TWU) International President John Samuelsen issued the following statement: “There’s no doubt that infrastructure in…
Come back to Earth, Mayor Gimenez. You want a $170,000 raise while Miami-Dade Transit riders are suffering service cuts, delays, and equipment breakdowns? The TWU won’t stand by while the mayor blames blue collar workers for problems caused by lack of adequate funding and equipment. That’s why this full page ad ran today in the…
Brothers and Sisters, The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington D.C. Complete Tentative Agreements were reached on: Seniority M&R-MLS Hours of Service M&R Reduction in Force M&R-MLS Overtime Distribution Procedures M&R- MLS As previously reported in our last session, Association negotiators presented the company with a comprehensive proposal on…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 23, 2018 TWU Railroad Carmen Ratify National Agreement TWU Carmen along with the TCU Brotherhood have voted overwhelmingly to ratify the National Agreement, with nearly 80% voting in favor. Union leadership called the vote a solid display of confidence in the agreement. The TWU leadership and negotiating team thank the membership…