Brothers and Sisters: Last month, we informed you that the distribution process for American Airlines equity shares would begin soon. Recently, American made a distribution to unsecured creditors from its Disputed Claims Reserve (DCR), which holds shares set aside for resolution of certain claims in the bankruptcy proceedings. The number of shares recently distributed for…
Download this update as a PDF. Brothers and Sisters, After the fallout from the Company’s letter on Friday August 24th, the Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington DC. The ghost negotiators from the Company that were invited to join the talks did not show up. The Association is…
As the extreme weather continues to affect families in Texas, the TWU leadership has met to outline an action plan to best support our brothers and sisters in the area. Working with Houston-based International Administrative Vice President John Bland, State Conferences, and all our Texas-area locals, we are committed to securing our members’ immediate safety,…
The International is working with local leaders in the Houston area and State Conferences across the country to monitor the safety of our brothers and sisters affected by Hurricane Harvey and extreme weather in Texas. Stay tuned for updates as we assess members’ needs and coordinate the union’s support effort.