Download this update as a PDF. Brothers & Sisters, The Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of May 22nd, in Washington D.C. and discussed several of the open issues and Articles. For M&R and MLS those Articles include: Vacations, Holidays, Overtime and Classifications. For the Fleet Service group those Articles include: Vacations,…
Yesterday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit affirmed the decision of the District Court for the Northern District of California that dismissed two class action complaints challenging TWU’s method of distributing shares of post-bankruptcy American Airlines stock. International President John Samuelsen applauded the decision to uphold the distribution of collectively bargained equity…
We’ve added a new transit report: Public Transit and the Rise of the Public Transportation Network Industry. You can find these on the “for our members” page, under “education and resources.” Don’t forget to bookmark the page and check back often for new resources!
IEC Unanimously Elevates John Samuelsen As 10th International President After Harry Lombardo Announces Retirement At the TWU International Executive Council meeting today, Executive Vice President John Samuelsen was elevated to International President after incumbent President Harry Lombardo unexpectedly announced his retirement, effective immediately. Samuelsen is President of TWU’s largest affiliate, Local 100 in New York…