That decision was released March 20 and the following are the items on which the Board ruled: Rates of pay: The 2 percent across the board increases on January 1, 2017, January 1, 2018, January 1, 2019, January 2, 2020 are awarded. Holiday Pay: Restore holidays to double time for all hours worked on a…
Sisters and Brothers, The Association Mechanic & Related/Stores and Fleet Service Negotiating Committees met with American Airlines in Dallas the week of March 6, 2017. The next negotiating session will be in Washington, D.C. the week of March 27 to include the Executive Committees from the Association Internationals Download Mechanic & Related Stores Download Fleet…
As bargaining continues at American Airlines, we’re sending a strong message to the company: TWU is united, from the shop floor to the negotiating table, and we’re ready to fight for the contract we’ve earned. For the last two weeks, members have gathered at stations around the country to show their solidarity, snapping #TodayWeUnite photos…
As TWU continues to celebrate Black History Month, we honor the legendary civil rights work of our Administrative Vice President John Bland, who was an active participant during his time as a student at Texas Southern University. John Bland at the historical plaque in Houston, marking the site of the 1960 sit-in. Outside…