Please see the latest news from TWU Local 555 in an arbitration case with Southwest Airlines. TWU International stands with our brothers and sisters in asking the company to abide by the neutral arbitrator’s decision in the case. Read the memo from Local 555 President Greg Puriski at
The TWU Veterans Committee will hold its next quarterly meeting January 31 (travel day) through February 3 in Phoenix, Arizona. Please RSVP as soon as possible to Recording Secretary Charlana Bilodeau and also to add any agenda items. Book your room by Jan. 12. Read the full notice.
The first days of a new year are a time to reflect on the past 12 months and make plans for the next; a time to give thanks for each other, to evaluate what we accomplished together, and to assess where we hope to be when we find ourselves together again at the holidays next…
In a ruling completely separate from TWU’s ongoing healthcare prefunding case, a bankruptcy court ruled today in favor of TWU and two other unions in a case against American Airlines. The unions took the company to court last year to oppose the way the airline was dividing up additional shares of its stock while bankruptcy…