Published 15 Apr, 2015 Today the National Mediation Board (NMB) issued a determination in favor of TWU in Case Nos. R-7425; R-7426; R-7427; R-7428 and R-7429 (File No. CR_7130) regarding the representation election filed for by the National Association of Airline Professionals in a bid to represent members of TWU locals 541 and 542 —…
Published 15 Apr, 2015 Brother and Sister TWU/IAM Members: In an announcement that brings us one step closer to joint contract negotiations for more than 30,000 Mechanic and Related, Fleet Service and Stores employees at American Airlines, the National Mediation Board (NMB) today ruled that the carrier is operating as a single transportation system. Today’s…
[News Release] TWU Joins Partnership for Open and Fair Skies Published 09 Apr, 2015 Statement Issued by the Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 9, 2015 TWU JOINS PARTNERSHIP FOR OPEN AND FAIR SKIES Union calls for freeze on further expansion of Gulf carriers in U.S. and government-to-government consultations to…
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Published 02 Apr, 2015 STATEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 2, 2015 FEDERAL JUDGE TOSSES OUT LAWSUIT AGAINST TWU, BROUGHT BY EMPLOYEES SEEKING TO AVOID PAYING THEIR FAIR SHARE OF UNION COSTS The Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO, won a significant legal victory in federal court on March 30, beating back a lawsuit that was…