Published 17 Dec, 2014 A Rejection of Commitments American Airlines Made to Labor to Support Merger with US Airways When Exiting Bankruptcy American Airlines’ commitment to future payments of employee pensions was key to gain support of the merger by TWU and other unions. In November 2012, American Airlines’ employee pension plans were frozen during bankruptcy…
Published 08 Dec, 2014 By Bob Wechsler, TWU Education & Training Coordinator The question inevitably comes up at the membership meeting, “Why can’t we afford it?’ Twenty-five local union officers, most of them Secretary-Treasurers came together at the Maritime Institute in Lithnicum, MD for an intensive 2.5-day training to learn and practice the tools of…
Published 26 Nov, 2014 Brothers and Sisters, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families! Q: What is TWU grateful for? A: Your commitment to our great union, your hard work every day on the job, and everything you do to lift up working men and women! Going to be doing a lot of baking this…
Published 25 Nov, 2014 November 25, 2014 Originally published on MOVEAmerica, the blog of the Transportation Trades Department (TTD), AFL-CIO By Ed Wytkind, TTD President 188 Members of Congress Urge U.S. DOT to #DenyNAI How strongly do members of Congress feel that Norwegian Air International (NAI)’s application for a foreign air carrier permit should be denied?…