Published 01 Sep, 2014 On Labor Day, we celebrate our nation’s proud tradition of labor activism and the determination and fighting spirit of the American worker. Brothers and Sisters, we — the working class — built this country and are responsible for its continued prosperity. It is a fact that industrial trade unions, including the…
Published 19 Aug, 2014 *Click here to download a hard copy of this press release. *Click here to read the joint federal comments submitted to the DOT by AFA, IAM and TWU in opposition to Norwegian Air’s application to the FAA. For Immediate Release: August 19, 2014 Contacts: AFA – Corey Caldwell 202-434-0586 IAM –…
Published 14 Aug, 2014 *Read this article on the Huffington Post website, where it originally appeared. Virgin America Flight Attendants Vote To Join Union Posted: 08/13/2014 5:08 pm EDT Dave Jamieson WASHINGTON—Three years after a failed bid to unionize, flight attendants at Virgin America airlines on Wednesday voted decisively to join the Transport Workers…
Published 13 Aug, 2014 TWU’s Virgin America organizing team stands in front of the projected election results at the headquarters of the National Mediation Board in Washington, DC. Presenting TWU’s newest members… Virgin America ITMs! In a decisive election vote on Wednesday, the 900 flight attendants at Virgin America chose TWU union membership and a…