Published 30 Jun, 2014 The Transit, Universities, Utilities and Services Division held its annual meeting on June 12 and 13th in Philadelphia. The Division-wide meeting of local officers is a forum for open discussion, strategic planning, and solidarity building for a stronger Division across the country. “We want to make our efforts on the International…
Published 10 Jun, 2014 STATEMENT Contact: Samantha Saly, (202) 251-7875 Victory in Congress for TWU and #DenyNAI Campaign: House Passes Amendment Protecting Fair Competition in the U.S. Airline Industry The Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) applauds the House of Representatives for its bipartisan vote last night opposing efforts to lower standards in the global…
Published 04 Jun, 2014 On Monday, TWU Local 250-A members voted 1,198 to 47 to reject a tentative contract agreement with San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). The local, headed by President Eric Williams, represents over 2,000 SFMTA employees in a range of crafts across the MUNI system. In a press release put out by…
Published 26 May, 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today we honor and pay tribute to the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of our country, as members of America’s armed forces. In Washington, DC — the location of the TWU International union hall — as around our nation, we…