Published 19 Nov, 2013 Union members around the country are reeling from health care contribution costs—what Local 291 President Clarence Washington calls “the big gorilla in the room,” in every labor negotiation. Local 291, which represents Miami-Dade public transit workers, has long been concerned about its membership’s rising health care costs. Some members with dependents…
Published 11 Nov, 2013 Our veterans in the TWU are not only a tremendous source of pride for all union members, but also a source of aid and inspiration to the membership and their communities. Since its founding in 1934, the TWU has had the honor of counting among its membership generations of military veterans,…
Published 06 Nov, 2013 On October 30, locals from all three divisions across Ohio and Michigan convened a meeting of the Ohio/Michigan State Conference, held quarterly. Political initiatives on the table ran the gamut from impending right-to-work legislation in Ohio to a recently introduced transit worker assault bill. Our locals in the region are expecting…