Published 06 Nov, 2013 “This report was prepared by 1114 Committee Counsel to answer questions regarding the 1114 procedure and retiree benefits, and we believe that it should be made available directly to those who have questions or concerns regarding those matters.” On October 21, 2013, the United States Bankruptcy Court overseeing American Airlines chapter…
Published 19 Nov, 2013 Locals from across Nevada and Arizona joined forces at the NV/AZ State Conference on November 5, 2013. From the outset, the objective was clear: All hands on deck to support our brothers and sisters at Local 721, who work as dealers in Las Vegas casinos. In late October, the Nevada State…
Published 19 Nov, 2013 In midsummer of 2012, ATD Veterans Committee Recording Secretary Pete Meyer got a call from Local 501 Treasurer Angelo Cucuzza. The son of a Local 501 member, who had just finished boot camp, used the wrong classification of flight pass on his last trip home before being deployed. The member, who…
Published 19 Nov, 2013 Union members around the country are reeling from health care contribution costs—what Local 291 President Clarence Washington calls “the big gorilla in the room,” in every labor negotiation. Local 291, which represents Miami-Dade public transit workers, has long been concerned about its membership’s rising health care costs. Some members with dependents…