Published 31 Oct, 2013 Contact: Jamie Horwitz, 202-549-4921, STATEMENT OF TWU LOCAL 556, REPRESENTING 11,000 FLIGHT ATTENDANTS AT SOUTHWEST AIRLINES, ON THE FAA’S DECISION TO ALLOW EXPANDED USE OF PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES ON AIRPLANES DALLAS – Leaders of TWU Local 556, representing more than 11,000 flight attendants at Southwest Airlines, said today that the…
Published 31 Oct, 2013 </div> <div>TWU’s Working Women’s Committee (WWC) of the Air Transport Division donned hard hats, picked up hammers and went to work building a home with Habitat for Humanity on October 22 during their three-day meeting in Fort Worth, Texas.</div> <div>Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit that selects deserving families in need…
Published 30 Oct, 2013 </div> <div>On October 29th, one year to the day after Hurricane Sandy barreled through New York City, TWU International President Harry Lombardo delivered a rousing call to action at Local 100’s Rally for a Fair Contract. Approximately 5,000 Local 100 members converged outside of MTA headquarters at 2 Broadway, shutting down…
Published 30 Oct, 2013 Contact: Roger Kerson,, 734.645.0535 Amy Shenker,, 301.412.2616 Transport Workers Union to Leaflet Allegiant Passengers on Halloween at Punta Gorda Airport Workers ask “Is Allegiant’s Proposed Expansion at Punta Gorda a Trick or a Treat?” Discount carrier has track record of canceling routes and abandoning entire communities PUNTA GORDA, FL…