Published 15 Oct, 2012 Rail service and jobs would be on the chopping block under a Romney administration. He says he’d eliminate and privatize Amtrak and 20,000 Amtrak jobs while the Romney/Ryan budget would raise the retirement age and cut occupational disability for workers in Railroad Retirement. Meanwhile, President Obama has championed rail jobs for…
Published 05 Oct, 2012 The TTD has launched another site, this time for aviation workers detailing Mitt Romney and President Obama. The site displays the effects Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will have and have had on the airline industry from union busting to slashing aviation and transportation funding by 46 percent. The site…
Published 05 Oct, 2012 The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) and its member unions worldwide will hold a variety of activities from Oct. 7-13 to highlight issues linked to the slogan, “Transport Workers Fighting Back! Organising Globally!” Road transport workers in both the passenger and freight sectors – who will be joined by others from…