Published 02 Oct, 2012 For Immediate Release Contact: Jamie Horwitz 202/549-4921 Attention aviation, business, labor and Dallas-based reporters and editorsStatement by Robert Gless Deputy Director, Air Transport Division Transport Workers Union of America on Investigation of Loose Seats on American Airlines Flights The Transport Workers Union of America, which represents aircraft mechanics and other…
Published 28 Sep, 2012 Nearly 100 Amtrak workers filled the hearing room on Sept. 20 for the hearing held by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (T & I) regarding Amtrak’s operations. TWU members, Amtrak and freight railroaders, active and retired alike all made their way to Washington, DC on very short notice to demonstrate…
Published 28 Sep, 2012 Over the past few days representatives of the Teamsters have been in the press saying that they can protect Tulsa workers against the threat of foreign maintenance and outsourcing of heavy overhaul. With all of these promises you would think that the IBT could point to an agreement in which it actually protected more work…
Published 26 Sep, 2012 There are huge differences between where Gov. Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama will take this country’s transportation system. With 42 days left until the presidential election, the TTD launched A site where transit workers and riders can learn how a Romney Administration would ruin essential public transit services through reckless budget…