Published 19 Sep, 2012 M E D I A A D V I S O R Y For Immediate Release: Contact: Jamie Horwitz 202/ Patti Adams Southwest Ground Workers File for Federal Mediation DALLAS –Transport Workers Union Local 555, representing 8,500 Southwest Airlines ramp, operations, provisioning and freight agents, informed Southwest Airlines on September…
Published 11 Sep, 2012 Eleven years ago today, Americans endured the greatest attack on our liberties and freedom since Pearl Harbor. Today, family and friends of those who died at the hands of terrorists on Sept., 11, 2001 will gather in New York, Pennsylvania and near the Pentagon in memoriam of the tragedies that occurred….
Published 31 Aug, 2012 The first Labor Day was celebrated more than a hundred years ago in New York and is dedicated to mark the American workers’ social and economic achievements to this country. Today, that celebration of appreciation will continue as thousands across this country gather to celebrate Labor Day. However, this celebration has…
Published 20 Aug, 2012 By James C. Little International President, Transport Workers Union According to a newly released book by Daniel L. Barlett and James B. Steele, “The Betrayal of the American Dream,” since 1985, corporations have killed 84,350 pension plans – plans that were designed to bring retirement security to millions of Americans. TWU…