Published 08 Mar, 2012 Re: American Airlines and Transport Workers Union of America AFL-CIO Seven Contract Groups Dear Chairman Puchala and Members Dougherty and Hoglander: I write on behalf of the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU), the certified representative for more than 24,000 bargaining unit employees employed at American Airlines. The TWU appreciates the…
Published 01 Mar, 2012 Dear Sisters and Brothers: We are pleased to announce that our two unions have signed an affiliation agreement that creates exciting opportunities for us to build power for our combined 850,000 members and to grow our unions through new organizing. This alliance will enhance our efforts to build a strong progressive…
Published 01 Mar, 2012 American Airlines wants to terminate the pensions of 130,000 workers as part of its bankruptcy proceeding. The move would be good for the company’s balance sheet, but would it be good for America? American’s pension termination would be the largest in U.S. history. The airline wants to end the plans and…
Published 02 Mar, 2012 All title groups continued with the bankruptcy negotiations throughout this week. The goal is clear…mitigate the company’s TWU “ask” of over $390 million, including about 9,000 layoffs. Your Negotiating Team leaders analyze the documents, data and business plans. The various experts retained by TWU, assist them as we bargain at a…