Published 03 Feb, 2012 TWU International President James C. Little wrote Senators and Representatives last night telling them TWU has long maintained that labor provisions do not belong in the FAA Reauthorization Bill, be it the yes/no ballot or any other changes to the Railway Labor Act. Unfortunately, our friends in Congress did not get…
Published 05 Feb, 2012 As you’re well aware, the FAA Reauthorization has rapidly been moving toward passage over the past two weeks. Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted, passing 248 to 169 accepting the conference report. The Senate is scheduled to vote on Monday on whether to accept the report. This is the last step…
Published 06 Feb, 2012 by James C. Little Last week, AMR executives revealed their proposal for bankruptcy reorganization. They decided to hit their employees at American Airlines and American Eagle with a hammer, slashing 13,000 jobs and dumping pension plans on the PBGC. They’re aiming for a 20 percent reduction in labor costs. From everything…
Published 06 Feb, 2012 Following three-and-a-half years without a full FAA reauthorization, which led to 23 stopgap extensions and one painful showdown of the FAA, the Senate approved the “FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act” 75-20. The bill was introduced at the beginning of the 112th Congress, and contains several issues of great…