Published 26 Sep, 2011 Transportation funding and ensuring African Americans are at the table during planning and implementation of transportation were discussed at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s (CBCF) Annual Legislative Conference this past week in Washington, DC. The panel, sponsored by TWU, “Moving Toward Livable and Sustainable Communities: Are African Americans Being Left Behind?”…
Published 09 Nov, 2011 Ohioans came out in full force Tuesday night and proved that an attack on workers’ rights was not going to happen and overturned Ohio’s SB 5 law eliminating collective bargaining. In what was one of the most watched elections the nation has seen, with an outcome that could have set a…
Published 10 Nov, 2011 Dear TWU Brothers & Sisters, In honor and recognition of Veterans Day, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to those who have and continue to risk and sacrifice their lives to fight for the freedoms we at home often take for granted. Since World War II, The Transport Workers…
Published 22 Nov, 2011 Congressional intransigence appears to be at an all time high as the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, more commonly known as the ‘Super Committee’, failed to move forth any plans for reducing the debt and deficit. Assembled by Congress after the debt limit debacle in August, the committee was tasked…