Published 23 Mar, 2011 One hundred years ago on March 25, 1911 a fire erupted on the top floors of a shirtwaist factory in a Manhattan that in just 30 minutes would take the lives of 146 workers, mostly young women, in the historic and tragic Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. The horrendous event sparked reform…
Published 24 Mar, 2011 TWU leaders representing transit division locals from around the country met with fellow local and national union activists, transportation experts and transit system administrators to discuss the major challenges facing the transportation industry during a period of decreased funding and service cuts, an aging workforce and changing technology. The Transportation Learning…
Published 25 Mar, 2011 The number of damaged or leaking hazardous materials containers shipped by rail has more than doubled over the past four years, and Rail Labor is demanding to know why. The shocking figures are highlighted in comments filed on March 24 by seven Rail Labor unions, including the TWU, in response to…
Published 29 Mar, 2011 This April 4, TWU Locals, other unions and our community allies will be standing together at workplace and community events all across the country in a huge coordinated show of solidarity. There will be job site pickets, wearing of solidarity colors, buttons or armbands, “walk-ins,” community vigils, public rallies, demonstrations, teach-ins,…