Published 11 Sep, 2011 An unlikely trio, the president of the AFL-CIO, the president of the Chamber of Commerce and the President of the United States of America last month stood in the White House Rose Garden and called for the reauthorization of the Surface Transportation Act. President Obama again drew the link between transportation…
Published 14 Oct, 2011 It all started with an email. Back in July, the staff of AdBusters, a small Vancouver-based magazine, proposed an idea: A demonstration on Wall Street to show disgust with economic inequality, lack of action on jobs and growing corporate control over the levers of our democracy. Talk about an idea whose…
Published 04 Apr, 2011 On March 31 and April 1, TWU co-hosted an international meeting of delegates from 11 countries on the subject of Veolia, an multinational company that has been rapidly expanding into the transport sector in the U.S. and Canada. The French-based company has been associated with attempts to drive down wages and…
Published 05 Apr, 2011 As legislative attacks against labor continue to mount, a new urgency has emerged for labor to fight back to defend basic human rights and stop the anti-worker agenda growing in more than 20 states. During this pivotal political moment, the 2011 TWU Committee on Political Education (COPE) Conference opened Tuesday, April…