Published 28 Apr, 2011 Across the country on April 28, Workers Memorial Day, people will remember the workers who have lost their lives on the job at rallies, vigils, worksites, and houses of worship while demanding safe workplaces where people can go to work every morning knowing they will return home safe and sound. Each…
Published 02 May, 2011 TWU Locals are leading the charge to repeal union busting Senate Bill 5 in Ohio by petitioning to put the legislation on the ballot for a public referendum. After Republican Governor John Kasich and his anti-worker allies rammed the bill through the state legislature, union members, progressives, clergy and middle class…
Published 10 May, 2011 Local 542 members who are flight dispatchers at Alaska Airlines ratified a new four-year contract that provides wage increases and quality of life improvements. A large majority of the 36 dispatchers, 86 percent, voted to accept the contract that will mean wages keep up with the increasing cost of living and…
Published 11 May, 2011 Increasing levels of air traffic with limited operational air space and a grossly inefficient analog radar system designed for the 20th century has made the already demanding job of directing air traffic much more challenging for pilots, flight dispatchers and air traffic controllers. Thus, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and industry…