Published 29 Jun, 2011 The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is taking an important step to make union elections fairer by proposing changes to speed up the often delayed and difficult election process, but the changes still fall short of fundamental labor law reform that American workers need to fully exercise their voice on the…
Published 05 Jul, 2011 Two children of TWU members have been awarded college scholarships in the 2011 Union Plus Scholarship Program along with 128 other students from union households. Danielle Felde of Marengo, IL, whose father John Felde is a member of TWU Local 512 and whose mother also is a union member, has been…
Published 05 Jul, 2011 Conservative Governors in states around the country are sticking to their ideology that spending cuts will create jobs, despite the facts showing that government spending actually leads to economic growth and more jobs. As state governments push to slash budgets, a study by Adam Hersh, economist at the Center for American…
Published 15 Jul, 2011 In all six Wisconsin state senate Democratic primaries the real Democratic candidates won against fake Democrats put forward by Tea Party backers hoping to stall the recall election of Republican state senators who are facing the wrath of Wisconsin voters for ramming through the bill that cripples collective bargaining. Republicans ran…