Published 22 Aug, 2011 Nine Local 234 members, who work at the Hyundai-Rotem Co. railcar production facility in Philadelphia, have successfully won back-pay and reinstatement for being discriminated against by management as union members. TWU Local 234 members were victorious on Aug. 10 after the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) approved a settlement, brought by…
Published 30 Aug, 2011 Building on the success of the inaugural AFL-CIO Young Workers Summit last year, hundreds of young workers, activists and leaders will come together Sept. 29-Oct. 2 in Minneapolis for the Next Up Young Workers Summit. This Next Up gathering of young workers is part of the AFL-CIO’s long-term outreach to workers…
Published 31 Aug, 2011 An estimated 1 million workers will lose their jobs in one year if Congress does not pass a clean extension for the Surface Transportation and for the Federal Aviation Administration bills said President Obama today during his press conference on America’s infrastructure. Obama, joined by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, Secretary of…
Published 03 Sep, 2011 “Which Side Are You On?” is a song written in 1931 by Florence Reece, the wife of an organizer for the United Mine Workers. “It seems like it’s illegal to fight for the union anymore,” is a lyric that feels very current. Even the right to collectively bargain is under attack…