Published 03 Sep, 2011 Dear Sisters and Brothers, This Labor Day as thousands march in parades around the country, we know that we are in the fight of our lives. As TWU members, we have not only built America, but “We Move America.” As we celebrate this Labor Day we are faced with the reality…
Published 07 Sep, 2011 Texas union members, officials and retiree’s kicked off the Labor Day weekend early by joining AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka for an afternoon lunch Sept. 1st in Dallas hosted by the Texas AFL-CIO. Union members gathered to hear Trumka speak about the legislative challenges labor faces and the continued unemployment crisis in…
Published 08 Sep, 2011 Tonight we acknowledge President Obama’s bold call to Congress to stop the political circus and finally work on creating jobs, and protecting the livelihood of our workers. With both the FAA and Surface Transportation bill’s expiration dates on the horizon we were encouraged by the President’s emphasis on protecting the collective…
Published 09 Sep, 2011 Ten years ago on Sept. 11, 2001 America faced one of the greatest travesties in its history as two planes struck the World Trade Center buildings in New York, another plane hit the Pentagon, and a fourth slammed to the ground in Shanksville, PA, killing a total of 3,000 people. The…