FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 19, 2023 Contact: Jonna Huseman, Safety and Union Jobs Must be Prioritized in Autonomous Vehicle Legislation John Samuelsen, International President of the Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO, (TWU) issued this statement following the announcement of a House Energy & Commerce hearing on autonomous vehicle legislation: “Since our…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 13, 2023 Contact: Jonna Huseman, Metro-North workers to passengers: We are prepared to strike New York, NY – Dozens of members of the Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO (TWU), employed by Metro-North Railroad, converged on passenger terminals this morning to alert Metro-North passengers that they are fully prepared…
TWU members and activists from across the country left their mark on Washington, D.C. yesterday when they collectively visited the offices of more than 150 members of Congress during the 2023 COPE and Legislative Conference, held July 9 – 12 in Washington, D.C. Armed with the skills, confidence and know-how to effectively make change and…