Published 28 Jun, 2011 Transit workers and riders scored a victory in New York when the State Legislature passed a bill that prevents funding dedicated to public transit from being raided, which will help prevent fare hikes, service cuts and layoffs, especially at the MTA in New York City. The Transit Funding Lockbox Act passed…
Published 11 Jul, 2011 Cutting mass transit by one third is going backwards and not forwards! The “New Direction” that Chairman Mica proposes is a direction in the wrong way. The facts are clear, transit authorities are making serious cuts to service and staffing while ridership is steadily rising. Report after report clearly states that…
Published 19 Jul, 2011 Over 30 women from TWU Air and Transit Division locals are attending the three-day Working Women’s Committee meeting this week in Cocoa Beach, Florida hosted by TWU Local 525. Participants are discussing issues facing women on the job and working families as well as getting a tour of the Cape Canaveral…
Published 21 Jul, 2011 Its official- union busting Senate Bill 5 will be on the ballot in November for the citizens of Ohio to overturn. On July 21 state election officials announced that enough certified petition signatures were submitted to get a referendum. After delivering a semi-truck full of petitions, Ohio Secretary of State Jon…