Published 21 Jul, 2011 Its official- union busting Senate Bill 5 will be on the ballot in November for the citizens of Ohio to overturn. On July 21 state election officials announced that enough certified petition signatures were submitted to get a referendum. After delivering a semi-truck full of petitions, Ohio Secretary of State Jon…
Published 14 Sep, 2011 </div></p> <p style=”color: rgb(74, 74, 74);text-decoration: none;text-transform: none;background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);”>Members from New York, Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, New Jersey, Michigan and California lobbied on Capitol Hill Sept. 13 to show congressional members they are the faces of workers whose livelihoods are in jeopardy, as will be the unemployed, if funding…
Published 20 Sep, 2011 On September 20 TWU members rallied on the steps of capitols and in the streets across the country to tell Congress “Don’t X Out Public Transit.” As part of a coalition composed of public transit advocates and allies, such as the Amalgamated Transit Union and the American Public Transportation Association, members…
Published 26 Sep, 2011 In a major breakthrough, members of TWU Local 252 have confirmed the right to preferential hiring and union recognition with Veolia Transportation, selected by Nassau County to be the new private-sector contractor for LI Bus routes and operations. “This is a huge victory for union solidarity and workers standing together,” said…