Published 31 Mar, 2016 This week, the Supreme Court officially deadlocked in the Friedrichs vs. California Teachers Association case, effectively allowing the lower court’s decision in the case to stand. It was a victory for organized labor, but only a temporary reprieve from other harmful anti-worker cases making their way through the judicial system. The…
Published 30 Mar, 2016 Everyone in the transportation industry breathed a sigh of relief when the president signed the FAST Act (Fixing America’s Surface Transportation) into law at the end of last year. But did you know what a pivotal behind-the-scenes role TWU members played to get the bill passed? In a video that debuted at the recent Legislative…
Published 24 Mar, 2016 On a cloudy Saturday in mid-March, TWU Local 2015 paid tribute to the late James Riley, former president of the local, during the 41st annual Wilmington, Del., St. Patrick’s Day parade. Brother Riley died unexpectedly last April and the local and his family felt that honoring his memory in the parade…
Published 23 Mar, 2016 In a letter sent to the Senate committee considering the FAA reauthorization bill, TWU International President Harry Lombardo called on Congress to tighten oversight of foreign repair stations working on U.S. commercial aircraft. “Under current regulations,” the letter said, “Aircraft mechanics working in the U.S. are subject to various drug and alcohol screening to ensure…