Published 11 Mar, 2016 Sisters and Brothers, The Mechanic & Related/Stores negotiating committee met with American Airlines this week in Washington, DC. Contrary to the message being delivered by management returning from the leadership conference in Dallas, your committee has not received any proposals related to compensation. Download this communication The Fleet Service negotiating committee…
Published 10 Mar, 2016 On March 9, the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee released a draft of the FAA reauthorization bill, which lays out the policy and laws for the aviation sector. This legislation includes some TWU-supported provisions but doesn’t have everything we have called for. Oversight of foreign aircraft repair stations would be increased but…
Published 09 Mar, 2016 Remember the fun you had with your G.I. Joes, Barbies and Star Wars play sets? In the third of our Voter Registration Campaign videos, you’ll find the civic duty of voting can be just as much fun! Be a real American voter! Watch and share our video #TWULegCon
Published 31 Mar, 2016 This week, the Supreme Court officially deadlocked in the Friedrichs vs. California Teachers Association case, effectively allowing the lower court’s decision in the case to stand. It was a victory for organized labor, but only a temporary reprieve from other harmful anti-worker cases making their way through the judicial system. The…