Published 21 Mar, 2016 The Senate Commerce Committee passed an FAA bill last week after several amendments were adopted, including: A ban on cell phone use during flight. A ban on knives in airplane cabins. Flight attendants must receive training to combat human trafficking. FAA must review aircraft evacuation standards. FAA must issue a flight…
Published 10 May, 2016 MEDIA ADVISORY Contact: Transport Workers Union of America, Ori Korin (202) 719-3834; or AFL-CIO, Carolyn Bobb (202) 637-5018 Aviation Workers to Converge at White House, Urge U.S. Government to Deny NAIObama Administration Must Enforce U.S.-EU Air Transport Agreement, Defend Fair Competition WHEN: Thursday, May 12, 2016; 12–1 pm WHERE: Lafayette Square,…
Published 15 Apr, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 15, 2016 CONTACT: Ori Korin DOT NAI Decision Bad for Business, Bad for Workers Following the U.S. Department of Transportation’s tentative approval of a foreign air carrier permit for Norwegian Air International’s (NAI) Irish-flag subsidiary, which would allow the carrier to provide service between the United States…
Published 15 Apr, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 15, 2016 CONTACT: Ori Korin Dispatcher Operation Specialists Ratify Contract with American AirlinesTWU Looks to Replicate Gains for all Members at Company Late yesterday evening, TWU Local 549, which represents Dispatcher Operation Specialists at American Airlines, overwhelmingly ratified a contract that will give members immediate pay increases…