Published 06 Apr, 2016 International President Harry Lombardo addressed the 42nd Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Convention today, speaking on the theme of “Solidarity is Power.” President Lombardo is joining both of the Democratic presidential candidates and other union leaders in Philadelphia this week and addressed the more than 700 delegates this morning. “I’m grateful to the Pennsylvania…
Published 27 May, 2016 Are you one of the 4,000 TWU members who’ve already downloaded the TWU App? It’s available now for Apple and Android phones. Make sure you get the most out of the app by turning on push notifications, which will pop up as alerts with breaking news directly from TWU International. To…
Published 02 Jun, 2016 TWU’s Veterans Committee is asking all our TWU brothers and sisters to reach out to Congress on behalf of the men and women who have served in the armed forces and receive their health care from the VA. Some in Congress are looking to shut down the entire VA health care…
Published 01 Jun, 2016 As graduation loomed for high school students across the country, 335 of them, sons and daughters and other dependents of TWU members, awaited word on the Michael J. Quill Scholarship announcement. Established in 1969, the Quill Scholarship Fund provides 15 scholarships worth $4,800 to college-bound dependents of TWU members. It is…