Published 26 Aug, 2016 Sisters and Brothers, The Mechanic & Related/Stores and Fleet Service Negotiating Committees met with American Airlines this week in New York. Updates from both committees are below. Download M&R/Stores update Download Fleet Service update Fleet Service Update First, we welcomed our new Fleet Service Association Negotiating Committee member, Tim Murphy, from…
Published 28 May, 2015 Jon Bradford is president of Transport Workers (TWU) Local 226, representing some 800 bus drivers and social service workers in New Jersey. The local is about to grow by 100 members, thanks to a successful organizing campaign by bus driver Luis Del Toro and his co-workers who work for Trans-Ed, a…
Published 15 Sep, 2016 Nearly 200 employees at Orlando International Airport now have the benefits of workplace protection, courtesy of TWU. In an overwhelming victory, ramp workers employed by Swissport voted for TWU representation on Sept. 9 and will become part of Local 525. The workers approached TWU after years of struggling with low…
Published 17 Aug, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 17, 2016 CONTACT: Thom McDaniel or Ori Korin Transport Workers Union Reaches First Contract for Virgin America Flight Attendants Dallas – The Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO (TWU) is pleased to announced that it has reached a tentative agreement with Virgin America on behalf of its…