If you see or hear about new technologies or services, please send us an email, TransportationTech@twu.org Gizmodo Reports “Cruise and Waymo Self-Driving Taxis Terrorizing Transit Operators” in SF Muni It turns out that robotaxi companies are creating havoc in – or as Gizmodo reports, “terrorizing” – San Francisco’s Muni transit system where TWU operators work. Widespread…
TWU flight attendant leaders from Southwest Airlines, Allegiant, Flight Services International and JetBlue met at the TWU International Headquarters in Washington, DC for the second Coalition of TWU Flight Attendants meeting in April. The Presidents, Health and Safety Chairpersons, and Legislative Affairs Chairpersons from Locals 556, 577, 579, and our newest Local, 578, met for…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 30, 2023 Contact: Jonna Huseman, jhuseman@twu.org TWU Working Women to Lawmakers: Workplace Protections for Nursing Mothers Must Include Flight Crews Washington, DC—More than 60 working women members of the Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO, descended on Washington DC this week to call on lawmakers to ensure all nursing mothers—including…
March 24, 2023 TWU as part of the Shop-Craft Coalition has Reached a Tentative Agreement with Amtrak. The unions are providing the following joint announcement: TWU & the Shop-Craft Coalition have reached a Tentative Agreement with Amtrak to settle each Organization’s respective section 6 notices for this round of bargaining. The specific terms of this…