March 24, 2023 TWU as part of the Shop-Craft Coalition has Reached a Tentative Agreement with Amtrak. The unions are providing the following joint announcement: TWU & the Shop-Craft Coalition have reached a Tentative Agreement with Amtrak to settle each Organization’s respective section 6 notices for this round of bargaining. The specific terms of this…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 23, 2023 Contact: Jonna Huseman, The Global Aircraft Maintenance Standards Act Will Close Safety Loopholes, Return Union Jobs to the U.S. WASHINGTON, DC—The Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO—the largest airline union in the United States—has been a leader in the fight to end the unsafe practice of offshoring…
For Immediate Release Contact: Jonna Huseman, Biden Budget Offers Commonsense Short-Term Flexibility Transit Agencies Need Washington, DC—John Samuelsen, International President of the Transport Workers Union, issues this statement in response to President Biden’s budget proposal: “President Biden’s budget includes an essential policy change that would allow large transit agencies to fill short-term operating shortfalls…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Jonna Huseman, Victory in the South: Houston Paratransit win TWU Representation Houston, Texas — The Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) won a representation election at MV Transportation in Houston, Texas last week. The TWU’s goal is to provide more than 375 paratransit workers with dignity on the job…