“We won the fight to guarantee flight attendants at least 10 hours of rest back in 2018 when Congress made this change. TWU did not wait on the FAA; we led the way by securing 10 hours minimum rest at Southwest Airlines, for our Local 556 members, early this year. Today, the FAA has finally acknowledged that 10 hours of rest has to be a minimum for the hard-working flight attendants who keep us safe at 30,000 feet.”
The Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO – the largest union representing airline workers – has been fighting to end offshoring aircraft repair and overhaul.
Today, the TWU is proud and encouraged that the House voted 374-52 to pass the bipartisan Global Aircraft Maintenance Safety Improvement Act, (H.R. 7321, formerly known as the Safe Aircraft Maintenance Standards Act) which will close the loopholes that incentivize airlines to move airline maintenance out of the country and onto less safe standards. When this bill becomes law, it will return tens of thousands of good, union jobs to the U.S.
On Thursday, September 29, Firefighters and First Responders at Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta, Georgia, voted 29-1 for union representation by the TWU. These workers, employed by the Centerra Group, will join their brother and sister Firefighters and Emergency Response Workers at Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center as members of TWU Local…
Category 4 Hurricane Ian is expected to hit Florida’s Gulf Coast today, September 28. Hurricane and tropical storm warning and watches are in effect on both coasts of the state. Many TWU members are Floridians and the International wants to ensure that we are ready to assist in any way possible, if need be. Please…