Local 252 President Debra Hagan had a very busy summer fighting on behalf of workers in Suffolk County. She organized a new workgroup, as well as ratified three amazing contracts. The newest members of Local 252 are actually former management at Suffolk Bus Corporation– who realized that they were better off not being in management but belonging to the union.
Railroad Division Director John Feltz sent the following letter to BRC President Ricky Johnson: August 29, 2022 Dear President Johnson, I am in receipt of your response to my letter dated August 19, 2022. Regarding your offer to escalate this issue to the next stage per our 1998 agreement. President Samuelsen has decided to exercise…
Advisory For: Wednesday, August 31, 2022 Media Contact: Shwetha Ganesh, twuairlines@berlinrosen.com On-Site Contact: Thom McDaniel, TWU International Vice President, tmcdaniel@twu.org, 832-723-5132 8/31: FLIGHT ATTENDANTS TO SPEAK OUT AGAINST ASSAULTS ON AIRLINE WORKERS AT NEW YORK’S JFK AIRPORT Ahead of busy Labor Day travel weekend, airline workers will be educating passengers at John F. Kennedy International…
For Immediate Release Contact: Denise Romano, DRomano@twu.org Unions: “No Stock Buybacks in Aviation Until Problems are Fixed” Aviation Workers Launch Public Campaign Demanding Airlines Fix Operational Issues and Invest in People Before Diverting Resources in Stock Buybacks Washington, D.C. (August 18, 2022) —Today, the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA), the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l…