The Coordinated Bargaining Coalition released the following statement on April 25, 2022: On January 24, 2022, after more than two years of bargaining with the major U.S. Class I railroads, the 10 Rail Unions bargaining as part of the Coordinated Bargaining Coalition (CBC) announced that they had applied to the National Mediation Board (NMB) for…
The TWU International is sad to announce that TWU Local 700 President Robert Taylor III passed away on April 3. Taylor served as Local President for 34 years. “My deepest condolences go out to Robert’s family and loved ones,” said TWU International President John Samuelsen. “Robert was a great and respected leader and will be…
Following the announcement from several airlines that previously banned passengers could be allowed to travel by air again, TWU International President John Samuelsen has released the following statement: “For airlines to allow previously banned, unruly passengers back on their planes without a clear vetting process is irresponsible when they haven’t consulted with the union, our…
Transportation Technology Campaign Newsletter Issue #7 April 13, 2022 If you see or hear about new technologies or services, please send us an email, Less than 1 in 5 Americans Think Autonomous Vehicles Are Safer As the autonomous vehicle lobby spends billions trying to place us in robotic vehicles, the public isn’t buying it. Less than 1 in…